DE1024 Digital Embellishment Printbar
The FUJIFILM DE1024 Digital Embellishment Printbar adds digital spot varnishing capabilities to your analog or digital printing press.
The FUJIFILM DE1024 Digital Embellishment System adds gloss or tactile effects to existing analog or digital print production.

Adding varnish can help the package or label stand out among those of competing products. It can also impart an impression of quality and importance to consumers.
The FUJIFILM DE1024 can seamlessly integrate into existing label presses and other narrow-web machines to add varnish flair without an additional press. The FUJIFILM DE1024 is available in a variety of print widths, and in single or dual printbar configurations for a variety of varnish thicknesses.
For more information visit: Products & Solutions - Integrated Industrial Inkjet Print Solutions | FUJIFILM

Engineered to FUJIFILM Specifications
The DE1024 is built with the robust StarFire™ SG1024 printhead from Fujifilm Dimatix, which combines high-jetting performance with reliable, robust performance.
The system also includes:
3IC software
3IC is a lightweight, variable-data printing composition application that lets users set up jobs on the print controller. It allows the operator to add variable data such as numbers, text, and images to print jobs without having to go to an offline computer, such as in the pre-press room.
Constant ink circulation in a closed loop reduces the occurrence of ink drying within the system, facilitates fast startup, and promotes system uptime.

This is an example of digital embellishment produced by the FUJIFILM DE1024 Digital Embellishment Printbar.